Nightwing: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 3

This deluxe edition includes the storyline Raptor s Revenge. Nightwing rejected Raptor s offer to be his new protege. And since he escaped prison months ago, Raptor has been making his plans to show Nightwing that if he didn t want Raptor as a mentor he will get him as the worst enemy he s ever had! Now Raptor is back in Bludhaven with secrets and a plan that will tear the city apart and could put Nightwing out of commission forever! And just when Nightwing finally feels like he s got his life in Bludhaven under control a murderer from his Gotham City days has arrived in his new city! How many people will die before he s stopped this time? Or worse than that what if Dick can t stop him? Find all this and more in Nightwing: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 3. Writer Tim Seeley (Green Lanterns) and artists Javier Fernandez (Red Hood/Arsenal), Chris Sotomayor (Detective Comics) and others continue Dick s adventures in Nightwing: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 3! Collects the fifth and sixth softcover trades into hardcover for the first time ever, including issues #29-43!
Penguin Random House
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