
Arcturus|Tzu Sun: The Art of War

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'The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage, and strictness.'

For more than 2000 years, The Art of War has been studied by generations of military commanders as well as leaders from the worlds of business, politics, sport, and many other areas.

Simply and succinctly, the axioms contained here present clear lessons on everything a great strategist needs to consider, including:

- Making plans
- Tactics-and how to vary them
- Conserving the energy of one's forces
- Boosting morale, and
- Assessing your opponents

Beautifully illustrated with works from Chinese antiquity, this edition of The Art of War is one to treasure.

Автор: Сунь-Цзы
Издательство: Arcturus, 2020 г.
ISBN: 9781838574192
Страниц: 160 (Мелованная)
Масса: 1120 г
Размеры: 290x235x20 мм


  • ИНН: 7728644571
  • ОГРН: 1077764644264

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