
Delta Publishing|Byrne, Heffernan: Overt Teaching. Putting learners at the centre of their learning discussion. Teacher's Resource Book

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Overt Teaching argues that successful learning is dependent on learners being actively involved in the learning process. Not only do learners need to be aware of what they are learning and why, but their involvement in the discussion of their own success is critical.
After laying out the case for Overt Teaching, the authors provide practical steps and activities that will take you on the journey from Covert to Overt Teaching. You will be shown what planning, teaching, progress and success look like from the Overt Teacher's point of view.

Автор: Byrne David, Heffernan Mark
Издательство: Delta Publishing, 2024 г.
Серия: Delta Teacher Development
ISBN: 9783125016897
Страниц: 136 (Офсет)
Масса: 350 г
Размеры: 246x190x10 мм


  • ИНН: 7728644571
  • ОГРН: 1077764644264

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